Thursday, January 2, 2014

Our Christmas Memories....

Christmas time....

We had a wonderful Christmas... had our " not so little anymore family" Christmas on Christmas eve.....  The girls and I got the table ready.. I made potato soup, and we had shrimp, and salad....the girls had so much fun helping me...then we got everyone together....

we were all lovin on baby Austin and he was right there with us... his first Christmas..

after supper everyone helped clean up and then we read the Christmas story....  the children were all excited but they listened to the story and even had a discussion about the birth of Jesus.....
after the story we gave them there gifts...      trying to be patient :)

 and baby dear enjoying every minute......

from American girl dolls to tractors and legos they were excited... and this mama had fun helping them put there legos together,,, Annalisa and I were up till midnight putting them together...

 the beautiful sunset on Christmas eve.... was breath taking...

had a very relaxing Christmas day... kids enjoying there new things and my hubby and I reading, taking a nap, and cuddling baby dear.... 

the day after Christmas my parents came to stay with the kiddos and my hubby and I went out for lunch and to run a few errands...  and we got to enjoy this beautiful snow fall.....

Had a fun nite New years Eve.... thanks Linda for hosting and opening your home for us....
always a crazy time with the spider guys well then you add Steve n Wayne in there yet, well lets just say there were some good laughs and lots of sharing from the heart.... if you no what I mean :):):)  so much fun...

I really enjoyed the girls at home this Christmas break....  Annalisa is so good with baby Austin and she really helped me out the days she was home...  but now its back to reality and back to having a schedule, earlier bed time, and waking up earlier to... I am ready...  ready to make lots of memories in 2014...  and do more projects...  my goal for 2014 is to not let what others say or do to me,  affect who I am in Christ...  but to live for Jesus.....   lets make this the best year it can be.... I wanna live my life thinking of the cup half full and not half empty......

blessings to you and yours......  


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